Description of Student Engagement in Learning in University
Engagement, Student, Reliability, Validity, LearningAbstract
Student participation in realizing the achievement of the teaching and learning process is a success in the realm of education. This study wants to know the potential involvement of Behavioral Engagement, Emotional Engagement and Cognitive Engagement on Student Learning. This study uses quantitative methods with non-probability sampling technique, namely by using purposive sampling technique. Testing the validity and reliability of this measuring instrument was carried out on 217 students throughout Greater Bandung. The analysis technique used is the Aiken Validity method > 0.65, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) for testing construct validity, and the Alpha Cronbach technique obtaining a value of 0.804 for measuring instrument reliability testing. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be interpreted that the results of the construction of measuring instruments are declared valid and reliable. That is, this measurement tool is considered capable of measuring student involvement in learning appropriately and consistently, so that it can be used for further research.